Military Grade LiFi
Kitefin offers inherent physical security of containable light communications.
LiFi is not vulnerable to eavesdropping through walls or tent canvas and is highly resistant to even close range jamming attempts. Designed to counter insider threats, data transmitted is only available to the right people in the right place.
The Kitefin system allows for simple set-up and management of co-located enclaves.
The system has been tried and tested by US ARMY Europe.
Latest in HQ Security
Our Kitefin LiFi system for the office offers all the benefits of LiFi security and reliability for the office environment and can be installed in place of existing lighting, maintaining or improving the cyber resilience at HQ and support sites. The Office system has a lockable encasing allowing for data and power ports to be secured.
LiFi stations are compatible with off-the-shelf laptops and tables and allow for easy management of security communications functions.

Ready for the Field & Office
Ready for the Field & Office
pureLiFi offers two varients of the Kitefin LiFi systems.
Tactical LiFi Access Points
Designed for the field, the Kitefin Tactical Access Points are ruggedised and water resistant for rapid deployment in harsh environments.